
Dialogue Project History

On a national and international level, the erosion of respectful dialogue has stalled solutions to urgent problems and, at worst, prompted hatred and violence. Our success in solving the most challenging problems of our time demands the ability to take part in productive dialogue.

The hallmark of a liberal arts education at Dartmouth is the ability to develop critical thinking, listening, and speaking skills that enable students to engage in respectful, thoughtful, and evidence-based deliberations on the most pressing issues of our times. Generations of Dartmouth graduates have utilized these skills to become leaders in their professions and communities. Despite these successes, the current political climate makes it clear that we need to do more to prepare our students to engage with perspectives beyond their own.

Dartmouth faculty and staff too have expressed a desire for training in the discussion of challenging topics in the classroom and with colleagues.

Founded in 2023, the Dartmouth Dialogue Project encompasses curricular and co-curricular offerings that will provide students, faculty, and staff with intentional training in the practice of forging mutual understanding.


The Dartmouth Dialogue Project launched in early 2024 with a focus on the undergraduate experience, and future offerings planned for faculty and staff. Among 2023-24 priorities, a co-curricular transcript will be developed for undergraduate students that will allow them to memorialize their participation in Dialogue Project workshops and leadership opportunities.  

Additional programming will be developed in 2024 that supports faculty in teaching controversial topics in their courses.

It is critically important to understand the impact of dialogue-building initiatives and programs on the campus community. The Steering Committee will engage in continuous assessment and improvement of the Dartmouth Dialogue Project’s priorities, strategies, and programs.